Fun fact 08/30/2016

The prepared text to Martin Luther King Jr.’s transformative “dream speech” did not contain the passage that started with “I have a dream;” the “I have a dream” bit was in fact an improvisation based on past speeches!

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Fun fact 08/23/2016

In 1066, William the Conqueror came across the English Channel from what is now France and conquered the land that is today called England. The conquering Normans spoke French, and their language became the language of the law. For several centuries after, lawyers and judges in English courts spoke French. English courts continue to use […]

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Fun fact 08/21/2016

Researchers have trained a non-photosynthetic baterium to perform photosynthesis – converting sunlight into valuable chemical products. The bacterium is Moorella thermoacetica, and scientists have found a way to incorporate it into a hybrid artificial photosynthesis system capable of synthesizing acetic acid. Acetic acid is currently harvested from petroleum, mostly for use in fuels and plastics. […]

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